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tv   [untitled]    October 30, 2011 4:00am-4:29am EDT

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this week's top stories in r.t. . nato is leaving post gadhafi libya saying its mission is done with a new government is concerned it won't be able to control the heavily armed population that's been left behind. e.u. leaders signed off on a massive deal to save the euro zone critics only see it as another delay to an effort to catastrophe. america's anti corporate protests to suffer snowstorms and police pressure from new york to california hundreds arrested and one activist critically injured. last night to remember russia's legendary bolshoi theater reopens office six years no expense renovation with an exclusive grand garden.
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and welcome to our weekly news review program carrie johnston. well this week saw nato officially announce the end of its aerial campaign in libya starting from next month the country's interim leadership will take control of all security responsibilities but also tasked with rebuilding the country as well as preventing gadhafi era military stockpiles falling into the wrong hands a tall order and nation flooded with weapons and it's an early reports. the war is over but the weapons are fully loaded. human rights watch has expressed grave concern about leftover are in libya their number one fear warehouses are to hold ground to air missiles which could in the wrong hands. tape down passenger aircraft it's through made so our nato allies in
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the region which these weapons have been fighting are libyan also libya is quite well armed country anyway the population has has quite a lot of light weapons and its possession and those light weapons are becoming a heavy burden on the national transitional council now relying on an army of former rebels for security and we try to control the bends and we check if there is somebody has work and we ask him if he has authorization for this we are not. the. checkpoints have been set up across tripoli to check that those carrying weapons have proper documentation and those who do have the paperwork are being called on by the national transition committee to return their arms the question now is what if they don't and what does that mean up for pulse gadhafi in libya and its stability and now as you can see is being secured here everything is under
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control and the only thing that we were make some mechanism how to give the weapons what we see something very different i asked the head commander what the plan is to disarm the population. i swear i don't know if you. select a unit that is just at the home of the city. and a makeshift arms collection center that covers one neighborhood in the capital we are showing this. to these other weapons people brought to me today not many walked down one block in tripoli and you'll see twice as many firearms. do you know how many weapons there are in the green i think just to advance and yeah i think everybody have. some think the fun of arms in the country could spell disaster ahead and a vacuum. after gadhafi impulse revolt chaos as proof i doubt this just battles
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power. what you have now in libya is scores of armed factions who have no respect for each other and who have no respect for mates or actually either they've opportunistically used nato to achieve some aims and nato has been foolish enough to go along with this so i think what we're going to see now is the intensification of the civil war between increasingly the factions were overthrown good because off the regime with many libyans not yet ready to say a farewell to arms the empty sea which could only be good daffy with nato how is now asking the alliance to continue its mission a vivid indication of just how unstable the country is and he said now a r t tripoli but political blogger cost says libya's interim government faces hard times ahead but it will control of the fighters on the ground. people have way too much
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faith in the n.t. which is quite obviously not in control of the situation on the ground in libya at the moment and in fact you can see the pension between the n.p.c. commando and some of the more. groups on the ground and in fact if you see some of the fighters on the ground they have the characteristics of islamist fighters the long kind of history of from afghanistan on words so this illusion identity has full control on the ground is not actually correct and i would say that events that we are seeing them could be person of factors could be the normal run of wars but maybe another party in libya could have presented their evolution of the earth liberation that's the village of them at aspirations for change and then don't you see that still has a lot of former. associates and cronies within it so that's really the nub of the problem. it's thought colonel gadhafi is most influential son saif al islam has led
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to this area apparently looking to hand him software with international criminal court he's reportedly used a spokesperson to make contact with the hague to deny charges of crimes against humanity some experts think that putting gadhafi his son on trial is the last thing some breaston leaders want to see what his identity expects. to some market he was a man too much secrets which will supposedly be parried with him i think there were tremendous sighs of relief all older capital in western europe this is somebody who cut all sorts of deals with the french but also the british and the italians and to a certain extent the americans as well i think they did not want to see him put on trial for any reason and i am not the slightest bit surprised that he was captured
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alive if you really quickly ended up here. the return from diplomatic exile was spectacular hugs handshakes and kisses from the heads of countries which denounced him get daphne's now silenced but the suspicion around those who laid out the welcome mat is far from buried could go on for years the history you see. but the shooter dealing with his cost. will go away obviously because of this once that situation was fishing it probably grew tricks it merited believe it was jewish. their interests then british prime minister tony blair was instrumental in get that peace rehabilitation bringing him in from the cold in two thousand and seven play didn't leave empty handed trade between them flourished so did the cozy relationship he was six more secret meetings after blair left office his people denying they were about releasing the lucky comma after passing on
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a granny or britain would lose its lucrative libyan deals i regret myself enormously that gadhafi was put should he should have been said to the international criminal court put all the trial forced all to questions for all the terrible things he did and if it davidge the contemporary world lose all previous regimes and leave is tough and we need to know. what is darted in the day with people some details of the murky dealings have already emerged claiming the reputation of one of britain's leading universities the london school of economics the greedy contracts the get out the regime worth over two million pounds to educate hundreds it's teachers civil servants the director was forced to resign and now the university of tripoli is demanding the money back french leader nicolas sarkozy was never shy in greeting good daffy even letting him pitches tend to
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nearly say palis apparently for bankroll. sarkozy's path to the presidency so says this man the one who could still tell all that was here. because you must give back the money he took from libya to finance his electoral campaign we funded it and we have all the details and are ready to reveal everything. saif al islam gadhafi son and key right hand man reportedly ready to surrender to the war crimes caught sight is going to have low information and i think we're so eve that tony blair intervened formed to help him get his dodgy ph d. degree from the london school of economics one. degree or clearly was plagiarized there's a lot of things that have gone on so you knows about saif gadhafi is wanted to answer for his own actions in libya is drawn out battle for control but it's what he could reveal about the diplomatic deals with his father that's keeping the western power players sweating after bennett r.t. london. in his first interview with the western media since syria's uprising began
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. actions against his regime could transform syria into another afghanistan but his comments came at the u.n. secretary general once again condemned the country's violence calling for the repression to end the arab league also assad and the civilian. three thousand children since march arab ministers are due to meet syrian officials later today to press for a dialogue between the government and the opposition some protesters have been calling for a no fly zone for a country. but this isn't a syrian writer and democracy campaign and show you that it's the majority population doesn't want a military solution to the crisis. we're against military intervention whether today tomorrow or in ten years' time even if the regime was to ny late every one of us would still be against military intervention we fight for freedom and we don't
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want to add external slavery to our domestic one we don't want it to become a part of the struggle between the international and internal forces syrians are peaceful they want to progress under conditions of freedom and development and they don't want to turn into a concentration camp but polygon for larger countries. still ahead few this are social unrest against inequality. the big maybe the back on the street protesting the government spending day to day not getting enough but the military is getting too much. and the embattled wiki leaks website has been forced to suspend its activities the details of the stories in just a few minutes time. e.u. leaders reached a long awaited deal on thursday to try and save greece the euro zone from collapse and measures include writing off fifty percent of greek debt capitalizing european banks and. losses and expanding the beta. one trillion euros after the summit in
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brussels french president nicolas sarkozy said the increase to join the euro ten years ago was a mistake according to dr levy author of britain's taxpayers alliance a new rescue deal won't fix the problem because greece is too far gone. it's almost like one of the 1980's comedy is where the somebody giving a. great speech then keeps getting up and carrying on is it something which. the fundamentals were there to be seen twenty twenty five years ago it was supposed to be a sixty sixty percent debt to g.d.p. ratio before st qualified in the first place to join the euro and now it's being seen as some achievement if we try to just get to get down to troy stuff where it's long been a ticking time bomb bailout as a rule of thumb unless they're there to achieve a set end with major reforms as it were from don't work i don't see within this package not really through the fifteen pages of a document and there are some aspirations in
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a lot of aspirations in there in terms of concrete proposals a little thin on the ground. to the u.s. now where police in denver have moved into the camp of the occupy wall street protesters arresting those who refused to leave it comes just hours after a massive standoff that saw pepper spray and tear gas fired into the crowd but in this footage it's dispersing the crowd of activists meanwhile in the states of tennessee and california more than fifty people were arrested and sprawled swept through the accounts with tents tables and other belongings movements has already been tested by snow storms including rather harsh conditions expected to hit america's east coast testers in new york getting ready to withstand blizzards off the little dorrit is stripped of their power supplies but you can reports the that rests the upcoming winter i'm lucky to shake the terminations. the peaceful nationwide movement that turned violent overnight in oakland. police
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attacked protesters with tear gas stun grenades. flash bombs and rubber bullets we had been there for weeks been taken care of ourselves there been no incidents with the police and they came in in one of the most terrifying shows of force that i've ever seen in my entire life and they came in and they either flushed everyone out of the camp or arrested them and then they began to systematically trample all of that sets them apart and this need people really really angry a former u.s. marine an iraq war veteran was seriously injured by a tear gas canister that police fired have. footage of the wounded veteran and police brutality spread quickly the shock of it galvanizing the nation and the occupy movement across the country. google says the company received requests from local law enforcement agencies to remove you tube videos of police brutality they did not comply the stronger of forcible response five establishment the stronger
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the movement will get of the larger the protests will become the protesters through these past six weeks have been careful not to taint the movements reputation with violence by and large most reports suggest that this move has been almost entirely peaceful but some in the u.s. media use the night of violence you know close to portray the protesters as radicals and more violence from the occupiers a lot of these people are professional agitators a good number of these people are radicals no doubt about it you might ask how radical was this elderly woman in a wheelchair who was tear gassed by police or jasper father of two who was working on his ph d. at the university of california berkeley you know they characterize you know it's big that. the perspective of. the marjah. and radical in order to discredit it this moment really is about all americans it's not just about people that make
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a story we've been poor this is about now it's to the middle class that is starting to feel the impact of corporate greed that has run this country for so long as the movement grows bigger and more structured it's becoming harder to ignore the message of the campaigners who call themselves the ninety nine percent and protest against corporate crime and government complicity protesters hands march through and throughout the country there will be more the movement is only expanding several weeks ago police crackdown on protesters with pepper spray this week it was tear gas and stun grenades protesters now want to hit big business where it hurts a general strike next week demanding banks and corporations shut down for a day but will the police response be anybody more brutal crackdown i'm going to check our reporting for washing our teeth. but a sort of head for you this hour russia's cultural kingpin the return pins. the bolshoi
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a prepaid menu felt peter lovers had been waiting for as moskos landmark theater and build its first performance in sixty years after massive repurposed amounts. to israel now where tens of thousands are returned to the streets of tel aviv to vent their anger over social inequality and government spending policy that's less than two months since the country witnessed an initial wave of protests he's asleep that's. the last demonstration back in september in early september so many million people come to the streets in the financial organizers was satisfied with that turnout and after that a lot of the protesters many of them are university students return to process and things that didn't take a little bit of it all but city now what we have seen is not only attention on what is happening internally can be is maybe a force has also known he will strikes on something positive members of the islamic jihad organization has been killed in the organization that it's awful to sponsible
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for a grad missile that was fired into israel earlier in the week be concerned here and go talking to people is that this story of social demonstrations will not be missed by many in the international community as a focuses on what is happening externally and certainly the mainstream international media is making a lot of what is going on in gaza to the detriment of what is happening here and with me to talk about this is nicholas simmons who is one of the our social protest has declined why are you back on the streets after a two month. knesset the parliament is returning to his recess we just hope that they'll reconsider their budgetary considerations the problem has been that the budget considerations have been about parties and politics in a valid reasoning of the type who seem to control everything we want the budgetary considerations to consider just the general good of the country here in israel it's very very important to realize we are not in economic recession or a problem isn't that we don't have enough money problem is that it's being
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mismanaged the government decisions about what to do with the money is bad oh oh good. thirty when you hear the cries of people here and really they slogan is the people demand a social justice people here saying that the government consumed what it wants to attract attention but they certainly will not give up on what they say are very legitimate demands. more news excuse. to footage and analysis with our web site at r.t. dot com here's a brief look at what you can find online right now and nationalist china looms over germany is the country's leading right wing party for immigrants and should do more find out why this dangerous rhetoric seems to be tracked through support also online. one of the twentieth century's most notorious and get rich quick schemes is back in spite the pyramid project wiping out the savings of millions in the past took plenty of investors willing to open their wallets once again. party dot com.
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on monday the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks was forced to temporarily suspend operations its founder julian assange said the site will instead concentrate on an aggressive fund raising campaign to fight a financial blockade imposed by american and you banks and financial freeze came after a massive leak of secret u.s. diplomatic cables showing the real often highly critical of meetings of foreign diplomats they also contain thousands of revelations about afghan and iraq campaigns said cutting off their websites funding is unlawful and it's going to fight it in court president national union of journalists in britain because they're known says ending wiki leaks activities will simply encourage others to take its place. these acts have been taken outside of any legal process side of any international political agreements yet they seem to be ability to shut down
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a website that some governments find troubling. but it's very unclear exactly what the motivations what the power behind them and it is it's good steeply unsettling because they're aware of the very beginning of the situation questions about what attention to members of the u.s. government have suggested or asked companies like amazon which was the first to take action against wiki leaks because they were hosting the site and what they may have been asked by individuals within the u.s. government so. obviously one of the issues is that there aren't really any rules regarding what companies can or cannot do with their customers companies are generally entitled to reject customers if unfortunately wiki leaks was forced down that we would see other sides seeking to do the same kind of thing and getting around the restrictions of wiki leaks rights. the central asian country of kazakhstan these electing its first president since the bloody uprisings that toppled formerly the kremlin back here last spring the front runner is the
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country's former prime minister wealthy businessman and promises to bring stability and prosperity to the nation current interim leader from biafra is not running for the top job he's election signal first peaceful transition to a new government april two thousand and ten least nineteen people were killed in the capital and young arrest ousted back. to massive clashes in the south of the country that left more than four hundred people dead. a brief look now at some other news from around the world this hour. a powerful explosion has killed twenty nine people at a coal mine in one province and central china rival miners were rescued one more made his escape to safety through an end shelf a state owned coal mines administration has not confirmed the cause of the blast despite an improving safety record chinese mines remain among the most dangerous in the world. for
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a brazilian president who is in the silver has been diagnosed with throat cancer sixty six year old will begin thirty treatment next week one of his doctors says the former president is in a very good condition that is chances of full recovery are excellent his eight years of leadership saw brazil experience stable growth and unemployment rates on it. a series of insurgent attacks in afghanistan have claimed at least twenty lives the taliban suicide bomber drove a truck seven hundred kilograms of explosives into a nato convoy of foreign troops outside kabul meanwhile in the country's south man in an afghan military uniform opened fire on coalition troops killing three so about has claimed responsibility for the attacks suicide bombing offices and. not and after six years of laborious restoration one of russia's greatest cultural
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institutions has reopened its doors to the public hundreds of millions have been spent in the bolshoi theater which staged the ground returning by square one friday night ortiz a contributor over was among those lucky enough to attend. so just story made from scratch it seems hard on paper but it appeared arduous in reality over seven hundred million dollars of state money and six years of work to bring back opulence and glory to russia's landmark theater even the president sided with . the. it's been a painstaking process going through this and i was not only the theater scampering but also the government and the side construction workers. side workers were the first to the theater's orchestra sang an ode to.
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a real truck driven on to the stage just showed the scale of renovation the paper underwent unesco has already attacked the works as unique the stage has doubled in size and not by growing wider the bolshoi has remained in its historical interest but by growing underground i think it's absolutely wise choice to try to wish to get within the old rules of the building and try to water as it without making the move and modern looking it is definitely not kilo's of braided gold tons of crystal and hundreds of metres of silk woven by monks all setting the scene for some of the world's greatest beauties. there is the are. all right. here. is what is the word called for it associated with in the west of good day is this
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a valley. this. this a chandelier. that credible family. and of course this is a russia to see the stage where the old saw the it symbols now removed came the last president of the u.s.s.r. we heil gorbachev bella legend maya please see it square as well as directors from the competition world class values including law scholar the vienna opera and covent garden pressures opening night tickets of the wealthy and well connected only are exclusively available through the president's office and for others it's a watch in the chilly autumn and the opening night show yellow concert was displayed on giant t.v. screens. and as the curtain came down the cheers rabble from all sides could be heard ringing inside be renovated restored while shopping exhibit
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a virtual art scene most. good to see it back bring you the headlines in just a moment so stay with us here about it.
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but. there's a struggle for somalia australia everyone. has them in the early ninety's see that little monkey screech if you want to have sex go and have sex.
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thank. you. susan. it's. six years he's.


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